Nohud Wiki
Ride to Hell

Hide/Show Hud

1. Go to "Users\<Username>\Documents\My Games\Ride to Hell\RTHGame\Config\"

2. Open "RTHInput.ini" with a notepad

3. Add the following binds to the bottom of the [RTHGame.RTHPlayerInput] section:

Bindings=(Name="Multiply",Command="Tiledshot 6 128",Control=False,Shift=False,Alt=False,bIgnoreCtrl=False,bIgnoreShift=False,bIgnoreAlt=False)

4. Save the file

5. In-game press "Divide (/)" to toggle HUD on/off

Useful Key Bindings

Key Effect
NumPad 1 Freezes all bots
Multiply (*) Makes hi-res tiled screenshot


Ride to Hell Retribution No Hud

Ride to Hell Retribution No Hud

Ride to Hell Retribution Hide Hud \\Ride to Hell Retribution Remove Hud \\Ride to Hell Retribution Toggle Hud Off \\Ride to Hell Retribution Disable Hud \\Ride to Hell Retribution Without Hud \\Ride to Hell Retribution Turn Off Hud \\Ride to Hell Retribution Hud free
